BeLL Platform - BELL PLATFORM - Revolutionary Cryptocurrency Wallet That Has a Function Triangle

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is Bell Platform, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:


Blockchain technology has its main purpose to decentralize the power structure in organizations. So with the increasing popularity of this technology there is a direct proportionate increase in the number of people who want to invest in blockchain-based projects. and this does not stop some projects that should be intended to increase decentralization to divert from the key ethos of blockchain technology.

Therefore you need to know what the BeLL Platform is?

Bell Platform is a blockchain-based project that has a function triangle.

  • These functions include;
  • Wallet with insurance features
  • Exchange - Decentralization and
  • Transfer-set protocol.

This project is intended to give holders of BeLL tokens tantalizing benefits. BeLL DEX will absolutely distribute all profits generated to the token holders in proportion to their percentage of ownership.

Key features of BeLL Wallet

The features which set the BeLL wallet apart from it's contemporaries include;

  • Insurance: BeLL wallet is a decentralized wallet which is insured against loss of assets in a scenario where you are unable to access your wallet for whatever reason.
  • Joint Ownership: BeLL wallet offers it's users an option to have joint ownership over an account. A consequence of this is that funds cannot be withdrawn unless all approved users get verified.
  • Seamless Transition of Assets: The owner of a wallet is enabled to create his wallet with specified conditions that enables loved ones or colleagues to access the wallet on behalf of the owner in case of an unexpected event. This prevents total loss of funds in this scenario.

BeLL Tokenomics

BeLL platform operates a tokenized ecosystem. The official token has the ticker “BeL”L. The total supply of BeLL tokens is 100,000,000 and 30% of that will be put up for sale during the ICO while 20% has been allocated to airdrops and bounty programs.

BeLL Token Details

Token Distribution
  • Sales 30%
  • Allocation to Insurance Pool 50%
  • Airdrop Bounty Program 20%
Allocation Of Funds
  • BeLL Wallet Promotional Costs 50%
  • BeLL Wallet Judicial Affairs and Maintenance Costs 10% 
  • BeLL Wallet Development Costs 40%


The goal of the BeLL platform has been well outlined and is one to look forward to. With the introduction of revolutionary concepts, I guess it's all up to the team to play their part to ensure success of the project.

To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:


Username: samuraijin
Eth Address: 0x3f9bb3679f1B71F22d823992078244C87EF4D455

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