BridgeX Network - The Innovative Lending Platform

Hello everyone, in this new post I want to introduce you about the BridgeX Network project , and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:


The BridgeX Network is a decntralized financial ecosysrem that is enabling crypto-to-crypto collateralised lending and borrowing, crypto-to-fiat currency conversions and cross border payments. The network will bring together the full spectrum of financial services players in the blockchain industry and open new opportunities for traditional financial institutions/ services to enter and participate in this new world economy. Also any third party integrator or distributed app (DApp) developer can leverage the power of the BridgeX Network to offer new services on their existing platform or create DApps or applications on the network that solve real-world financial needs.


Even with the significant growth in value of and confidence in the cryptocurrency markets, fiat currencies remain the prevailing instruments for the bulk of all transactions and loan collaterals that occur globally today.Traditional investors in the fiat world, cryptocurrency investors often have the need for:

Real world cash flow
International payments
Looking at the numbers of cryptocurrency investors increasing exponentially, the need for conversions of crypto into fiat currencies also increases in tandem.


Bridgex network create the access to the Traditional World of Fiat: Cryptocurrencies are currently being traded in a world of their own, it helps holders to unlock their cryptocurrencies in order for fiat currencies to make necessary international payments is not only troublesome, but also costly.

Today, the bridgex Network gives access to credit: most banks and financial institutions hold traditional assets like property, land and gold as collateral for their loan and financing services. Also, a total market capitalisation of USD 300 billion and rising, cryptocurrencies remain an unrecognised asset class by the traditional financial system. Presently banks and financial institutions remain a closed door for holders of cryptocurrency assets. Nevertheless, the acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a valid asset class continues to grow. The challenges that cryptocurrency holders face – having little/no means to unlock their crypto portfolio – will only get worse.

BridgeX Core: Infrastructure for Credit, Conversion and Payment Solutions

At the heart of the BridgeX Network lies BridgeX Core. It comprises a suite of cutting-edge smart contracts hosted on the Ethereum blockchain – an on-chain loan matching service, an on-chain loan tracking service and an oracle that collects off-chain data for the loan contracts – and an integrated cash management module, BRIDGEPay, which provides off-chain solutions for crypto-to-fiat conversions and cross-border payments.


The BridgeX Network is the framework for a financial ecosystem of decentralized credit, conversion and payment solutions, enabling fully-decentralized crypto-to-crypto collateralized lending and borrowing, crypto-to-fiat currency conversions and cross-border payments.

The BridgeX Network will comprise of three main components:

01. BridgeX Core
02. BridgeX Platform
03. Third Party Integrators

BridgeX Platform
(Distributed Apps/Apps)

As the first proof-of-concept for this new financial ecosystem, our DApp/Apps will demonstrate the power of the BridgeX Network at its integrated best, delivering three compelling and synergistic cash management solutions within a single platform, while providing third-party financial services or DApp developers with an understanding of the multitude of possibilities going forward.

Blockchain-based crypto-to-crypto loans in a decentralised peer-to-peer marketplace that securely and seamlessly matches borrowers and lenders.

BRIDGEPay is a powerful conversion and payments engine allowing for a) loans originating in the blockchain space to be localized in fiat, or b) its independent deployment as a comprehensive end-to-end cash management solution for users’ blockchain asset portfolios.

Apps BRIDGEConvert and BRIDGESend work seamlessly together in BRIDGEPay to provide crypto-to-fiat conversions and cross-border payment solutions.


Token Information

  • Ticker: BXN
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token Standard: ERC-20
  • Token Supply: 1 billion BXN
  • Hard Cap: 18, 000 ETH
  • Exchange Rate: 1 BXN=0.0006 ETH
  • Accepted Payment: ETH


  • Token Sale 30%
  • Partnerships/Community 15%
  • Team & Advisors 20%
  • Liquidity pool & company reserves 35%


  • BridgeX Network Tokens (BXN)
  • Total No. of Tokens: 1 Billion
  • Hard Cap: 18,000 ETH
  • Token Sale: 300,000,000
  • Token Price: 0.00006 ETH

To find out more. You can connect more with the BridgeX Network at the link below:

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