DEEPCLOUD AI - Cloud Computing Project Driven by AI Built on the Blockchain

Hello Everyone, I will introduce the project about DeepCloud AI, If you are interested in joining the DeepCloud AI project, let's look at the following review

What is DeepCloud AI ?

DeepCloudAI is building an AI-driven decentralized cloud computing platform for running decentralized applications, specifically what we would consider IoT and Web 3.0 dApps. We believe that these are not just trends in the making, and are preparing technologies that will support both existing and upcoming use cases for technology. Our platform will provide a fully functional marketplace for computing and storage resources for companies and individuals - enabling them to share their excess capacity via our decentralized cloud.

More importantly, instead of leaving it up to users to perform p2p matching of the resource transactions, we are applying our expertise in AI technologies to create a Matching Engine that will easily and smoothly pair these resources for application developers. Applications will execute in a secure sandbox on the peer-to-peer resources, with transactions managed on the blockchain via automated smart contracts.

A wide range of use cases can be addressed using our platform. These include:

IoT and AI at edge scenarios for smart cities, so that local governments can focus on building the core infrastructure and rely on DeepCloud AI's resources close to edge for running and deploying their applications.

Enterprises and shipping companies with complex supply chain tracking challenges can run and deploy their blockchain based applications on the DeepCloud AI fabric for tracking all the transactions with full audit trail, secure and tamper-proof.

Service providers like TV/Cable companies can rely on DeepCloud AI's decentralized services, such as local caching of media streams during football season or large audience events like the Olympics.

For IoT applications with security and data privacy concerns, by running Decentralized AI Algorithms close to the edge devices themselves, one can generate the compressed insights on DeepCloud AI resources. This provides a mechanism for IoT device consumer's to monetize their own data with all the transactions and encryption of the data and the algorithms via the blockchain.



A state-of-art matchmaking algorithm to allocate resources for computation requests in the most optimal way. Decentralized applications require resources close to the source. Our matching algorithm is based on several parameters including information from network user requests, location of usage, and network contributors’ states in master nodes.

Linked to the decentralized resources on our platform to provide optimal performance

To address the security needs for Enterprise customers, DeepCloud AI is building a secure layer around Intel’s SGX technology and will deploy real-time monitoring of the platform to prevent fraud.

Using the blockchain to decentralize control and increase trust, DeepCloud is blockchain agnostic with goal to enable high throughput of transactions and low transaction costs



DeepCloud AI applies the core concepts of blockchain and data decentralized make sure DeepCloud AI’s network is operating on a network or people. Desktop Grid Computing technology (utilization of nodes) will be implemented on our platform. Data will be managed and processed through the nodes that are running on the network, in return node holders will earn DEEP tokens.
  • Network Resource Providers
  • Network Users (Application Developers)
  • Application Marketplace Providers
  • AI controller
There are several usages of DEEP tokens on DeepCloud AI’s platform:

1. Access to the DeepCloud AI’s network system
2. Utilize premium features for High-End Users
3. Payment means by Network Users and Application Developers
4. Payment method to Network Resource Providers and Application Marketplace Providers

Users can acquire DEEP tokens in three ways for the access of DeepCloud AI platform:

1. DeepCloud AI’s Initial Coin O‘ering Campaign
2. Cryptocurrency Exchanges
3. Or by becoming Resource provider, users can earn tokens from the resources they make available on the platform, which they can use as a user for using other services.

Token Structure

  • Development Team: 15%
  • Advisors: 5% 
  • Bootstrap Initiatives: 15%
  • Marketing: 5%
  • Reserves: 20%

  • Research & Product Development: 55%
  • Marketing Communications: 12%
  • Indirect Expenses: 10%
  • Operations: 10%
  • Contingency: 10%
  • Contractors: 3%
Token Sale will be issued in three sessions:

• Private Sale (with a bonus of up to 25%)
• Pre-Sale
• Public Sale

Token Sale Information:

• 1 DEEP = $0.25
• Hard Cap = $15 million
• We only accept the following cryptocurrencies as a payment for DEEP Token Sale: ETH
• Unsold tokens will be burned after the ICO
• We will also burn the tokens in the same ratio for all other segments of the pie chart.

2018 - 2020 3 Years Plan (updated: 27-12-2018)


Q1 2018 – Market Study // Concept formation
Q2 2018 - Public Whitepaper // Company formation
Q3 2018 – Huron Release // Private MVP, ICO, DeepTransfer
Q4 2018 – Tahoe Release // Public MVP - IoT, dApps, DeepTransfer Premium


Q1 2019 – Salton Release // Enterprise MVP, DeepChain Testnet MVP
Q2 2019 – Erie Release // Application Marketplace, DeepProperty
Q3 2019 – Yellowstone Release // Scalable Enterprise
Q4 2019 – Falcon Release // DeepChain Mainnet Developer Community, Ecosystem


Q1 2020 – Wheeler Release // Foundation Formation and DeepChain Developer Tools
Q2 2020 – Klamath Release // Global Enterprises
Q3 2020 – Beaver Release // DeepChain Analytics
Q4 2020 – Grenada Release // DeepChain Fraud Prevention Engine

2021and beyond



You can join or participate in the DeepCloud AI sales crowd through the following links:

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