TRAVELVEE - Decentralized Platform for Booking and Travel

We will provide articles to present the "Travelvee" project to potential platform participants and those interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main objective is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of getting tokens or investing.

The hope of joining this Project is very big for us, before you join, it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and improve information for you especially to understand the project's vision and mission so that it adds to your trust.
Travelvee is a decentralized platform for booking and travel, where the blockchain is used, and smart contracts target this sector in the tourism industry in rooms that are not occupied in hotels at all levels.

Travelvee - Innovative Ordering Platform! Directly oriented to the market for empty rooms - which will be sold with exclusive terms, which are discussed between the hotel and the buyer - in secret, of course with the help of the Travelvee platform.

Travelvee is a decentralized community of people who choose the best among exclusive offers for the purchase of hotels and tourist services of all levels, made only by them at their request from participants of the Travelvee platform: hotels, resorts, villas, villas, apartments, cottages, gempling, holiday homes, motels, hostels.

Market Analysis
We all know about billions of turns and profits in the tourism industry, which is the second after hydrocarbon extraction. According to various estimates, the tourism industry is estimated at 15-17% of world GDP, and its growth rate changes every year from 12-20% regardless of the development of the world economy.

Tourism contribution to world GDP ($ billion)
For every tourist location, hotel or sanatorium, apartment, etc., even during seasons or holidays it is rarely possible to work with 100% filling. Usually, the average is 30-55% per year, and is considered successful and profitable. On the other hand, it leads to increased service costs, affects quality, increases staff turnover, and a number of other negatives.

Every investor in this business invests a lot of money in advertising and attracts new customers. There are many tour operators and sites that offer fast and convenient bookings. Like,,, Expedia, and more, and no tourist sites do not use their services.

Not because of the impossibility of big discounts on services offered, but the interest of intermediaries to form high prices in the industry, which leads to restrictions on the flow of tourists. Separately, it should be noted that almost every tourist facility that has been operating for more than one year has estimated attendance statistics for the coming year. These statistics, as well as fixed costs such as taxes, wages, local taxes, energy, etc., will enable managers of tourist facilities to make individual decisions about symbolic prices for services. Even free hotel accommodations or other tours. Objects will benefit from visiting restaurants, spa centers and other services offered by tourist facilities.

Business model
Travelvee is an innovative travel platform for travel and travel bookings, where clients choose between exclusive offers from hotels and other attractions - offered exactly to him and on the date needed.

Travelve - decentralized, site users immediately send their wishes to prices and terms and regions where they will travel and hotels in this region send their bid responses directly to the user who sent the request. Each user will be able to announce the initial request and / or heat for the selected vacation, as well as the planned budget, and the tourist site will fight for it with attractive offers.

For customers:

Early booking: travelers can use many filters and status; Number of tourists, age, desired destination, country, sea, mountain, minimum requirements, internet, planned budget of and more. When a request is published, all tourist facilities included in this condition will be invited to make a personal offer within 24 hours. To avoid cartel arrangements between tourist locations, all offers will be anonymous and can only be seen by clients. As soon as the client receives one of the offers, other tourist locations will be automatically notified that the choice is another object.

Hot booking:They are most likely suitable for business trips and will be processed every day with the same conditions as for initial bookings. In the world, there are practically no hotels or other tourist facilities that are 100% filled, especially on weekdays. When arriving at a certain place, the client only enters the desired parameters from the object tour, as well as (if desired) the budget he has. In other words, if you fly to London for 4 days from Frankfurt, have a budget for 2-star hotels - you write the budget available in the application on the Travelvee website, your application is seen by all London hotels and based on occupancy, they send you accommodation proposal, of course not higher than the budget shown by you,

When a request is published, all attractions fall under the conditions specified, but not depending on the number of stars (unless explicitly indicated by the client) will be invited to make a private offer within 4 hours.

Tourist Facilities: Tourist facilities for their part will be able to negotiate directly with clients without additional fees and commissions for each residence. Opportunities for personal offers for all Travelvee clients Access to rankings with the most active users, we will rank active users, which will only be available to attractions, which, in turn, can invite them and make personal offers. With Travelvee's development, active users will receive a "mile card", which will provide additional bonuses and discounts on traditional ordering methods.


The project team believes that with the growing popularity of Travelvee portals, tourists from all over the world are provided with a variety of options for tourist routes, hotel rooms with transparent prices and no commission collection, which will allow travelers to monitor their personal trips and save their own budgets. Take advantage of innovative solutions when choosing a tourist destination; participate in auctions, receive very attractive and profitable offers from tourist locations at the lowest market prices, increase their own bonus points in projects and travel at their expense For tourist facilities. This project gives small companies the opportunity to compete with the tourism industry giant. And also all tourist facilities without exception receive various tools to implement their proposals.


A large number of proposals created the need to find various ways to reach consumers. We create new markets that focus on empty places or constantly empty at tourist sites. We create Travelvee as a society with high intelligence and creativity that will be market-oriented empty rooms - which will be sold on exclusive terms, which are discussed between hotels and buyers - in secret, of course with the help of Travelvee platform.

> Pricing model innovation.
> Save on hotel costs and fill hotel bases.
> Increase profit opportunities for hotels.
> Reducing costs for customers.
> High turnover of crypto currencies
> Savings due to lack of fees and commissions.

Travelvee will only benefit from the annual fees that will be paid by tourist facilities. Payments will be in tokens and will be equivalent to 100 to 300 euros per year, depending on the size of the tourist site, but will be paid after the transaction. That is, the hotel subscribes to the platform and pays an annual subscription payment to TRAVEL tokens, buys it on an exchanger or exchanges only after receiving the first customer of our platform! Travelvee guarantees that there will be no other hidden fees or commissions.

Company structure
To implement the Travelvee project, a company will be registered in Liechtenstein, a jurisdiction that is not as expensive as Switzerland, but is quite loyal to crypto projects and a good tax haven. For social policy Travelvee aims to optimize the tax burden towards decline, but increase the reduction of charity, constantly spending part of the profits for charity.

All managers and specialists will be appointed based on competition. We will establish a department base that already exists with us; programming, design, marketing, advertising, law, call center, innovation, human resources, etc. In each country we will have key partners in the personal company or existing profile organization where we will look for partners, such as: tourist facilities, marketing and advertising agencies, profile associations and organizations, etc. All this will save our time and money and ensure extensive and aggressive penetration in the international market.

Given the fact that the platform, along with innovative approaches, implies the formation of income and increases in the price of domestic currency tokens. The token will function as the only unit account between us (the Travelvee platform) and the hotel.

Payments between clients and hotels are planned to be carried out in fiat currencies, debit cards, and domestic currency Tokens TRAVEL. This hotel in turn receives digital currency, which is then used to calculate with the Travel platform or use the same money to buy TRAVEL tokens on the exchange and in this way calculate. As you understand, we will sell our utility TRAVEL tokens by making ICOs and attracting from 10 to 30 million dollars in crypto currencies. All funds collected will be used to create and promote the Travelvee platform, and all unsold tokens will be burned, and the team will not leave a single token.

The functions of TRAVEL tokens are as follows: annual subscription fees for each hotel or other tourist object, namely 100 EUR for small objects, 200EUR for average facilities and 300EUR for large objects, only paid by TRAVEL tokens at current exchange rates. At the same time, we will always tie our service prices with fiat money - now: 100 EUR for small objects, 200EUR for average facilities and 300EUR for large objects, and the price of tokens will float and will depend on requests for tokens that required for annual customer service payments for hotels in the Travelvee platform, so for a low fee to receive many additional customers. Results of this policy:

(1) Popularizing the Travelvee platform at the expense of funds raised at the ICO will make it popular throughout the world with millions of users and tens of thousands of customer hotels. Customers only need TRAVEL tokens to pay for customer maintenance. This will create a stable demand for tokens, with no pampas and a large dump for the hotel will buy the token right when the payment date of the annual payment arrives.

(2) Combustion of TRAVEL tokens according to the declared program will cause a sharp decrease in their numbers, and their increased demand - to some increase in their value.


TRAVEL Tokens is a utility based on the Ethereum ERC-20 standard. Its main function is to pay an annual subscription fee for all Travelvee customers who provide accommodation services in hotels, other tourist locations, and services on the Travelvee platform. In addition, you can pay TRAVEL tokens to anyone, with prior arrangements.

Platform Token: Ethereum
Token symbol: TRAVEL
Standard token: ERC - 20
Token fee: 1 TRAVEL = $ 1
Currency received: ETH
PRE Sales Period: 15 October 2018 - 30 November 2018
Bonus - 50%
Maximum - 1 000 000 USD
Smart contract: 0x38a811bb19665E9f4FF4061FA4b7e0Cca92507BA
travelvee / TravelToken
ICO Travel Token. Contribute to travel / travel development by creating an account on

Distribution of TRAVEL Tokens

(1) AIRDROP and BOUNTY maximum of 2 000 000 TRAVEL tokens.
(2) Public sales to ICO up to $ 30,000,000.
(3) During Sales Tokens - the price of TRAVEL tokens is related to dollars. You will receive the TRAVEL token immediately after sending ETH to our address in the amount agreed on by ETH to the dollar at the time of ETH delivery.
(4) All tokens that will not be sold and transferred to Bounty will be burned!
(5) There will be no additional emission tokens!

More information can see the link below:

Username: samuraijin
ETH address: 0x3f9bb3679f1B71F22d823992078244C87EF4D455

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