DREAMPOT - DreamPot is Blockchain Lottery

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is DreamPot, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

What is DreamPot?

DreamPot is an online totally decentralized lottery, which is based on blockchain technology. Our lottery technology is managed by smart contracts and without any human intervention. We have created the most open lottery with a guarantee of fair play, which is enabled by Ethereum network. The total prize pool consists of more than $ 1,000,000,000, being the largest prize pool in history.

The lottery is a complex of several related lotteries: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annual and super jackpot. It is enough for the User to buy only one ticket to participate in the draw of all the available lotteries.

The minimum ticket price is 0.01 ETH, Users can buy the tickets without limit.

In each lottery, with the exception of the super jackpot, there are 10 winners, which increases the chance of a User winning every round 10 times.

The lottery platform features a licensed crypto exchange with a User-friendly interface that allows players to buy lottery tickets with cryptocurrency and fiat. More information on this issue please find at section “How the lottery works”.

All the information offered on the website www.dreampot.io is given for information purposes only, and is not exhaustive and is subject to change.

The purpose of these Terms is to explain the functionality Service and to notify the persons who intend to enter into the relations with Service about the risks connected with the use of Service, as well as about the risks connected with participation in lottery.

Thus, dreampot.io generation of numbers is based on a unique and autonomous formula that is proven impossible to be manipulated. Mechanisms built into smart contracts exclude the possibility of their being influenced by the lottery managers. Neither winning numbers nor lottery tickets can be faked.


  • Address: 0xfa45a09e17056d352BfE7f75d5D2c9dEbedDaeE5
  • Token: DPT
  • Decimal fractions: 0
  • Token Type: ERC-20
  • Use this information if you want to add your own token to your wallet.

Funds from ticket sales are distributed to the prize pool as follows:
  • Hour Lottery — 40%
  • Daily lottery — 10%
  • Weekly lottery — 5%
  • Monthly lottery — 5%
  • Annual Lottery — 5%
  • Super Jackpot — 15%
  • Commission — 20%

DreamPot is built on Ethereum, a next-generation decentralized distributed network protocol that enables advanced smart contracts — agreements, that operate automatically, without the need of human control. Ethereum is decen-tralized and safe; it provides transparency to all operations on the platform.

To make our platform even more secured, all processes are done with MetaMask. It is a Chrome plugin which allows you to run Ethereum DApps right in your browser, without running a full Ethereum node. MetaMask includes a secure identity vault, providing a user interface to manage and sign decentralized distributed network transactions.

Smart contracts live like in a walled garden,they cannot fetch external data on their own. Oraclize is here to help. We act as a data carrier,a reliable connection between Web APIs and your Dapp.There is no need to open additional trustlines asour good behaviour is enforced by cryptographic proofs.


To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

Bitcointalk Username: samuraijin
ETH: 0x3f9bb3679f1B71F22d823992078244C87EF4D455

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