FLETA - The Platform for Sustainable DApp Ecosystem

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is FLETA, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

The first generation blockchain platform, Bitcoin resolved the double spending issue of cryptocurrencies.

Following Bitcoin was Ethereum, the second-generation blockchain platform, who realized the diversity of services in the blockchain platform via smart contract.

Yet, most blockchain platforms are showing limits in terms of scalability, data-processing speed, data storage, and execution fees. 
For blockchain platforms to take on sustainability and be operated in such a manner, developers should be able to develop DApps without any hassles, and users should be able to use it readily. It is with this in mind that FLETA came up with an optimal platform, meeting the needs of the platform participants, with our advanced technology.

FLETA is endeavoring in this race to compete up the Google Android and Apple iOS of the blockchain ecosystem. To perceive how FLETA measures up, how about a correlation between two overwhelming hitters in this area; ETH and EOS. FLETA furnishes programmers with a blockchain platform that is definitely more adaptable and moderate than both the Ethereum and EOS blockchain.

The FLETA Blockchain:

FLETA is a worldwide mainnet venture with accomplices and system which incorporate Europe (Malta, Switzerland, England, and Poland among several others), Asia (Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore among several others), Australia and America. FLETA has accumulated worldwide acknowledgment through going to conferences and meetups in Europe and Asia and getting check of their innovation. In the primary quarter of 2019 FLETA plans to dispatch their Beta Testnet and have it accessible to people in general so as to have their innovation further checked and reviewed.

In particular, alongside the opening of the Beta Testnet, FLETA will dispatch a DApp game that they created so as to give developers and ordinary clients an opportunity to straightforwardly encounter FLETA's administration. FLETA is expecting to dispatch their mainnet in the second quarter of 2019 with the objective of encouraging a supportable DApp ecosystem.


Independent Multi-Chain Structure

FLETA utilizes an independent multi-chain structure, with the existence of a sub-chain apart from the main-chain, resolving the main-chain overload issue and reducing excessive fees both for developers and users. That is, by separating the performance of the main-chain and the data domain, each DApp is operated independently, without being mutually influenced, leading to a limitless number of DApps being available. This in turn, results in the reduction of excessive development costs of DApps and execution fees caused by using DApps.

PoF Proof-of-Formulation
FLETA developed a new consensus model, preventing unnecessary fork, along with an improved speed, which distinguishes itself from the existing consensus models like Staking. This new consensus model is called PoF(Proof-of Formulation), consenting the order of block mining and creating blocks in such order. The spreading range of blocks is reduced, which makes the creation and dissemination of blocks more rapid. Moreover, real-time confirmation can be attained through observer node, also preventing potential unnecessary fork.

Block Redesign
Block’s structure is the pillar of the blockchain, which directly leads to the processing speed and storage capacity. FLETA has redesigned the block structure, which had been used since the initial stages. This was accomplished by reducing the blocksize by 43% and at the same time reducing the size of index, which is needed for operation. Thus, the processing speed became 1.8 times faster and data size has been optimally reduced, making the structure more efficient.

LEVEL Tree Validation
Unlike the Merkle Tree validation, which is constantly undergoing a great deal of calculation, FLETA adopted the LEVEL Tree validation. Reducing the size by 90%, the LEVEL Tree validation carries out a high quality transaction validation process with less data reception, concurrently increasing the speed of the process by more than 5 times.

Parallel Sharding
The Sharding Algorithm, which FLETA developed, can be operated in parallel, without double spending, as each shard is separated so that the data is not shared among them. Additionally, the enhancement of TPS is achieved with the increase in the number of shards, along with the enhancement of TPS in each shard, making FLETA process 20,000 transactions per second. We are proud to report that this is the fastest TPS of individual shards among existing blockchain projects.

How FLETA Stands Out From Other Blockchain Smart Contract Platform:

Programmers Prioritzed ecosystem: FLETA's new Proof-of-Formulation consensus algorithm comprises of blocks generators (known as Formulators) that propose blocks to be mined on the blockchain. For each block that is effectively proposed, Formulators are remunerated in FLETA tokens for their work. All FLETA token holders may fill in as Formulators allowed that they stake and lockup a specific sum of FLETA tokens for a set timeframe in a "Detailing Account". At the point when the essential measure of FLETA tokens has been locked, they may join the system as a Formulator hub(hub) and begin producing blocks in order to earn FLETA tokens.

Mining: FLETA tokens can be earned as blocks rewards. As the lock of a specific measure of FLETA tokens is required to wind up a formulator hub, FLETA's blocks mining model gives a balancing out impact to the quantity of tokens accessible available at some random time. The more prominent number of formulators that there are inside the system results in more FLETA tokens being locked up, and this fills in as a speed and supply sink that balances out the token cost.

System Transactions: A level of the expenses from the majority of the exchanges made all through the system. Consequently, hubs who join the system early will be repaid with procuring a higher level of all out blocks rewards and exchange expenses all through the system.

Token Metrics


2018 Q3
Complete Development of PoC Code
PoF (Proof-of-Formulation)
Block Redesign

2018 Q4
Unveil Web Simulator
PoF (Proof-of-Formulation)
Block Redesign

Complete Development of PoC Code:
  • Independent Multi-Chain Structure
  • Smart Contract
2019 Q1
Open Testnet
Complete Development of PoC Code
Parallel Sharding

2019 Q2
Update Testnet
Parallel Sharding
Plan FLETA’s own DApp Project
Open Mainnet

2019 Q3
Update Mainnet
Parallel Sharding
Open Developer Portal (Beta)

2019 Q4
Open Developer Portal
Open FLETA’s own DApp (Beta)

To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

Author: samuraijin
ETH Address: 0x3f9bb3679f1B71F22d823992078244C87EF4D455

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