USDQ - Platinum QDAO StableCoins

Hello everyone, in this review I will invite you to see how the company Qdao works. following this explanation:

What is USDQ?

USDQ is a platform that makes assets stable and truly decentralized.

Opportunity to purchase USDQ on exchanges

The 1st element of the ecosystem is the exchanges. USDQ bargains on the secondary market at the price of 1 dollar for 1 USDQ, respectively traders interact with this coin, as well as with any other. To buy USDQ at the exchange is the first way by means of which it is possible to get stablecoin.

Receiving the credit in USDQ through crypto assets collateral

The 2nd way, which includes several important elements of an ecosystem, is receiving the credit in the stablecoin USDQ through crypto assets collateral. A pledge rate to the released stablecoin is D %, where D is the last rate established by Q Box which is a self-learning neural network, and approved by holders of the governance token. Thus, it reaches over provided credit and leads to ensuring the stability of USDQ token.

Respectively, when new crypto assets enter the ecosystem, the created smart contract prints new USDQ and sends them to the borrower. When the borrower wants to take away the collateral and return the credit, it undergoes the return procedure on the website, at the same time paying a certain interest rate for use of stablecoin credit. After the return of USDQ together with payment of commission for use of proceeds of credit, crypto assets are de-frozen and return to the address of the borrower's wallet, and USDQ tokens are burned.

The credit in USDQ tokens is issued for a limited term. If the credit lasts, then it is necessary to bring the commission in the governance tokens Q DAO. If the credit is not returned in time, then pledge in cryptocurrency goes to untouchable stabilization fund. In case of elimination process crypto assets of stabilization fund are sold first.

How it Works

Trade on exchanges

Trade USDQ on the secondary market as any other stable coin.

Discover the Q BOX
Mine Q DAO tokens, raise your own AI based robot, which will help you to make predictions.

Get a collateralized debt position
Collateralize your crypto and easily get USDQ stable coins. After trading is complete, simply return the USDQ in exchange for your crypto of choice.

The philosophy of USDQ is to create a truly decentralized stable asset

Decentralized. All decisions are made by the DAO community

The Q DAO community provides full democracy with NO centralized control. You can change anything you see fit if the community supports your initiative. You have the right to vote. Everything and anything is decided solely by the community for autonomous decentralized decision making.

Collateralized by crypto. No more mythical deposits on private bank accounts
Transparency in its plain meaning. You can track all the transactions in real time and know for sure that a particular stable is backed by a particular crypto asset.

Self-stabilizing. Always stable. The environment doesn't matter
According to the nature of decentralized stable coin, it can’t fall or take off with big fluctuations. Self-stabilizing algorithms and market itself will always keep the price stable.

How the tokensale works

Tokens to sell
Distribution of 51% of tokens (509999.49 QDAO tokens).

For how long
distribution will be made in 10 Rounds. Round stast at 1st day every month during 10 month will be distributed 50000 Tokens during each round.

Where to buy
we disctribute 30% tokens by IEO(all tokens are unlocked) and 70% tokens by OTC desk (tokens will be locked for a certain period of time).


For more information:

Author: samuraijin
ETH Address: 0x3f9bb3679f1B71F22d823992078244C87EF4D455

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