TERAWATT - Global LED Adoption Through Blockchain Technology

Terawatt​ is a patent-pending,

renewable energy blockchain startup, with a strong focus on monetization and driving global L.E.D. adoption. Terawatt will create a DAO​, and also a deflationary​ Ethereum-based, private (zk-SNARKS) currency​ for global payments. The DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, token holders, and energy customers worldwide. The DAO will act like a decentralized global insurance fund​ to ensure Utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which constantly runs out) for subsidizing L.E.D. sales to their energy customers (or for businesses and people to overcome the upfront cost of upgrading to L.E.D.s).

Why do we need a chain?

Create immutable decentralized, secure, private (ZK-snarks) deflationary currency with utility functions

  • We need complex intellectual contracts to manage DAO;
  • We need transparency, immutability, decentralization, and verification of all transactions performed on the platform;
  • Extremely accurate process automation
  • it is convenient to work with other Kriptoresursami in an increasingly digital world. Integration with other blockchain projects (product tracking, validation, ecosystem expansion, etc.)
  • Ndezhnost and fault tolerance.

Example study: Los Angeles will reach $8.7 million. Annual Energy savings

Why LED? Benefits
  • Turns on immediately like an incandescent bulb
  • They remain cool to the touch even after use
  • Work up to five times longer than CFL
  • No sensitivity to cold temperatures
  • Do not contain mercury
  • Some models can be used with a dimmer switch
  • Available in soft, warm and bright white shades
“Low-energy light bulbs use less than 20% of the energy of a conventional light bulb and can run up to 15 times longer.” -Carbonfootprint.com
Token description

TeraWATT  Our project will use Ethereum to release and create tokens mainly because it has a basic foundation that our technologies will implement. Terawatts will manipulate block contracts. Our token will be a standard ERC20 marker with some specific modifications. Our algorithms will confirm that the consumer has actually purchased light bulbs from a suitable seller and adds a transaction to the blockchain. Smart contracts will execute and manage the entire process.

Global LED Adoption Through Blockchain Technology

We want to help aggressively drive LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting adoption by creating a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that will be funded and utilized by major utility companies and energy customers worldwide.

"In 2015, the electricity sector was the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for about 29 percent of the U.S. total. Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity have increased by about 4 percent since 1990 as electricity demand has grown and fossil fuels have remained the dominant source for generation.”- EPA
  • Private sale: June 2018
  • PreICO: July 2018
  • ICO: September 2018
  • Cap: $11,460,000
  • Competitors: None
Our Mission

Terawatt will create a DAO, and also a deflationary Ethereum-based, private (zk-SNARKS) currency for global payments. The DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, token holders, and energy customers worldwide. The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual/insurance fund to ensure Utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which constantly runs out) for subsidizing L.E.D. sales to their energy customers (or for businesses upgrading to L.E.D.s).

Total Supply: 100 Million Tokens
Circulating Supply: 65 million
(supply will decrease exponentially in an s-curve fashion to as low as 1 million tokens over time).

This is due to our continuous coin burning algorithm. Terawatt will automatically use 50-75% of company profits earned from DAO entry/exit fees, profit taking fees (like an exchange), time decay fees, carbon tax data storage fees, carbon credits, and even from affiliate L.E.D. sales commissions to buyback and burn (LED) Tokens. This is similar to the BNB token, but they only burn every quarter, we will burn 24/7.

Utilities and other businesses will want to accept our tokens for payments because our rate of deflation is much greater than all FIAT currencies and most, if not all, cryptocurrencies/tokens while also being more private and secure with zk-SNARKS and masternodes when available. Furthermore, the more tokens they have to enter into the DAO fund, the more voting power, profits, and staking rewards they can receive. This will further increase token value due to the network effect. (Metcalfe's Law)

The Features

LED Token Utility

LED Incentives
Terawatt Token will act as a rewards system for each L.E.D. bulb purchase that's verified by our patent-pending process. This serves as an incentive for users to purchase LEDs for home, businesses, or government use and verify them through our interface

Data Storage
LED purchase records may be securely stored in the Terawatt ecosystem. This allows the purchasing entity to return at tax time and have all of their LED and other Energy Star Rated Purchase records readily available. The user pays a small token fee to access the records again.

Community Based Governance
Donated funds may be locked into a pool, and the global Terawatt community will vote/decide on what projects get funded and how much funding will be provided or set on the side for these projects.

We aim to have Masternodes when the Ethereum Blockchain allows for it. Masternodes will help to further secure and decentralize the Terawatt network.

The Problem

PROBLEM: Inefficient light bulbs are creating both unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions, which are contributing to climate change, and unnecessarily exorbitant electricity bills for peoples and governments.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization Funding

Token Contribution Charts
Token Utilization 

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